Monday, April 13, 2009

Texas Gamblers

Though Texas has been a big talk about gambling there has not been a real conclusion on the issue. The Texas editorial board talks about the issue of how Texas should assist casinos in Texas. The topic of how much money in revenue and how they should do it with the plans are introduced in this article. If casinos are opened in Texas by the legislature they have certain questions to be answered too.
I agree with the point in casinos should be opened in Texas, due to the increase in tax revenues. Many Texans are already driving cross state borders to gamble in the first place. The money of Texans are going out to Oklahoma and many other bordering states allowing gambling. The money from Texans purse are going straight to the other states pockets and should not be. With the building of casinos the question stated in the article "It's an interesting number but subject to a lot of questions. Among them: How rigorous would the vetting process be before Texas issues licenses?...", and many other questions asked should definietly be address before inquiring the voting process. The questions should be addressed, and tax money paid programs should be set in place if this plan is to be set in place.
Texas legislatures should wait for the right time to impliment this plan and when to vote for it. The article talks about the sooner the decision the better, the longer they wait the article says "The committee is working on a substitute bill that might actually advance to the Calendars Committee, which controls the flow of legislation. It's almost a sure bet that the gambling proposal — assuming there is one — will have to have 100 votes or it will be left in Calendars to die." I agree with this bill should be in place to have the right of Texans to finally gamble in Texas, so that way the tax money can also be ours.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with my classmate Kevin Phan, gambling should be permitted in Texas. It makes absolute no sense for Texas to allow Texans go to Border States like Oklahoma and Louisiana to throw away their money when they could as well throw it away in Texas. In doing so, they contribute economically in tax contributions and employment. By the ways what is Texas trying to achieve by their strict stand against gambling. If we have citizens that bent on gambling and that are how they enjoy their selves, I see no reason to deprive them from doing this in Texas.
