Friday, April 3, 2009

Science Free is not the way to be.

The existence of global warming is apparent, but whether we should teach it in our school system is not. The bigger fight though is the censorship of what should be taught. Jim Marston writes to the starts the story with "The State Board of Education's decision to require the teaching of arguments against the existence of global warming...". Starting the article strong with his point that the education system is not allowing a lot of the reality of science to be placed in public school education, because it offends the bible and church. The article talks about the clash of science and religion beliefs towards the teaching on our public education in the past. Though this problem with church and science has been persistent. Mister Jim Marston debates against the Texas being the next science-free zone. Marston is director of Environmental Defense Fund's Texas office and national director of the group's State Climate Initiatives program. I agree with the points of our author that science shouldn’t be censored just for our education. The children of Texas deserve to learn, and should not be held back from learning. The article talks about how not only is this injuring the children’s education, but it may portray that our actions are not having an effect to global warming. I believe that actions and causes of global warming is a big factor in saving the future, and that the closer we are to a science-free that the closer the future generation not to be knowledgeable.

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