Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Giving Children and Parents a Chance.

Texas children has been the number one state for number of uninsured children in the nation. The article stated by www.statesman.com talks about how Texas has a new bill coming along to insure children with CHIP and how Texas is dealing with the situation. Changing the salary requirements and period in which they will prove eligibility will change everything for the CHIP program in Texas. Though this plan may cost a lot more than it looks for insuring children, it maybe easier to see a doctor for safety precautions, than ending up in the E.R. costing thousands more. Insuring children in Texas will be a lot easier with the aid of Medicaid money from President Obama's stimulus plan. I believe this plan is great way to start insuring many children who need Medicaid. The way changing the legibility from six months to twelve months will really improve the moral of parents of enrolling their kids in the CHIP program. It is a pain for parents to have to pay for out of pocket expenses, and I hope legislation overrides some of the rules. Another big factor given in the article says,

"Two bills would allow working parents to buy into the Children's Health Insurance Program if they earn more than allowed. To be eligible for CHIP a family of four can earn up to $44,100. That would be extended to about $66,150 for a family of four if the bipartisan measure passes. But those families would have to pay premiums ranging from $88 to $120 a month."

Many families making a little more than the margin now can have a better chance to afford for medical assistance for their family.This will greatly give families a bigger chance to insure more kids under this program. I hope that stimulus plan will utilize this proposal.

This is reporter Kevin Phan, signing out.

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